
Home 9 News 9 Award of Excellence 2019 – Intelligent Structural Pannel

Award of Excellence 2019 – Intelligent Structural Pannel

Congratulations to Quasar Consulting Group in partnership with Stephenson Engineering, WZMH Architects, and C3PoE’s fantastic work on the Award of Excellence winning project, Intelligent Structural Panel (IPS). We are proud to be part of this winning team!

Building construction materials and techniques have remained largely unchanged in the last 50 years. The vision for the Intelligent Structural Panel (ISP) was simple: take all the components and processes that go into constructing a floor and shear wall and combine them into one intelligent product. Quasar Consulting Group, in partnership with WZMH Architects, Stephenson Engineering and C3PoE, developed the ISP in response to a need for the next generation of smart building systems. A prefabricated smart building component that is installed on-site with minimal labour, the ISP is modular energy-efficient and reduces construction waste. It includes the infrastructure to power, monitor and control most key building systems including mechanical, electrical, and IT. The ISP Panel utilizes low-voltage Direct Current (DC) and Power over Ethernet (PoE) as highways for all connected devices and is 100% complete once ‘plugged-in’. This results in a building that will be 90% low-voltage based in occupied areas, versus traditional Alternating Current (AC) solutions with numerous transformers. This project led to a paradigm shift in system integration which impressed the jurors, who were also enthusiastic about the prospects for applications to other types of projects.

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